Who says decluttering has to be boring? Say hello to Decluttering Bingo—a game where clearing out the clutter actually feels like winning (because, well, you are!).
Here's how it works:
Find something older than your pet.
Toss expired pantry items.
Uncover three random chargers (none of which fit your current phone).
Donate five items of clothing you haven’t worn in a year.
Recycle a stack of old magazines.
The goal? Complete a row, column, or go wild with a full blackout! Not only will you get the satisfaction of checking boxes, but you'll also be clearing space (and maybe discovering your countertops again).
Make it a family game night or challenge a friend to see who can yell BINGO! first. Trust me, it’s way more fun than staring at a pile of stuff thinking, “Where do I even start?”
Ready to play? Share your bingo wins—I’d love to cheer you on!